A New Year - Same, Yet Newish Goob

A bright look at the bleakness ahead

I’ve been trapped a bit in the sameness for a while. I thought I had solved some issues when I made some new friends but underneath the crust I am still me. This is both heartbreaking and comforting at the same time! That’s for adressing at another time tho. It’s time for small updates.

The CSS is updated once again! I hope our regulars do not mind but I didn’t find the last iteration to be very eye pleasing and, indeed bad for reading. Something is probably broken somewhere and I most likely won’t notice it until the next site update. Bit by bit I want to keep a commitment to simplicity with my site design and layout. I also have no idea why the previous post refuses to adhere to the standard post layout. Cursed depressive blog post I guess.

In personal life, my research paper on Japanese infantry rifles netted me a B so I feel its probably not good enough to post. Perhaps after I’ve written some more I will go back to revise it. The sources are good it just is not as readable as I like. It also doesn’t help that I don’t know how to translate footnotes into HTML or markdown. There will probably be more research papers this coming semester. I finally got around to switching my major to History. It better reflects my interests.

On another note, I promised this a while ago but I will polish up that very, very short DOOM WAD I made for HAkron 4K and post it for download. Its okay for a first WAD I feel. I will also start more WAD making if I can spare time, but my break schedule continues to be a bit hectic and filled so we will see.

I wish you all a Happy New Years and make the best out of 2020! -Goob

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